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Josh ‘Manhead’ Young WeSC Part

Dec 2014 by Route One

Over the summer of 2014, having relocated the warmer climbs of Bristol, Tingley native, all round shredder and R1 TM Josh Young put together this absolutely sterling part with South Western filmer James Harris.

As always, Josh’s ability shines through in this eclectic two minute offering, released by clothing sponsor WeSC. Padless vert action, picnic table tech, switch street lines and DIY tranny; it’s all there and performed with that classic ‘asleep at the wheel’ steez we’ve fondly become accustomed to.

The National's Manhead may well be growing up and moving forward in the world (as well as relocating down South) but one thing always remains the same – the lad is an absolute wizard on a skateboard. Enjoy…

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